Solastalgia is part of VOIDSPACE 5. An interactive arts zine


Solastalgia is now part of an interactive art zine called VOIDSPACE 5. You can find a curated collection of really unique experiences on the zines launch page here. I'm really grateful for the opportunity for more people to experience the game. There's been a big spike in downloads over the last few months which took me by surprise as I have a zero marketing budget (and I'm also way too exhausted after completing a game to even attempt to market anything) so this was a nice to see.

In the near future, I'd like to update Solastalgia to be more compatible with lower end hardware. There aren't any quality setting options, but since releasing the game I've learned some new skills when it comes to graphic optimization.

Scene from Solastalgia (recorded by Z9GN)

Scene from Solastalgia (recorded by Z9GN)

Thank you and stay tuned for some new experiences.

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